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transition to summer skin care

Transition to Summer Skin Care

Summer weather is upon us, and that means a few different things. For one, it’s getting H-O-T! Depending on where you are in the world, it can be miserable at times. Summer weather also means a change in your skin care routine – you wouldn’t wear the same clothes in the Winter as you would in the Summer, right? The same goes for skin care. In Winter months, your skin needs deep penetrating moisture, put on in a thicker layer. For the Summer time, you need lighter moisture and more sunscreen.

Mango Butter vs. Shea Butter

Shea Butter is fabulous, it’s thick and moisturizing, and also provides a thicker layer of protection on top of skin. It’s perfect for Winter months when your skin dries out, flakes, or even cracks. That’s no bueno! Raw Shea Butter provides the perfect amount of protection against the cold and wind so you won’t end up feeling dry as a desert. Shea Butter will still work well in the Summer if you need a thick and creamy sunscreen, when you combine it with Zinc Oxide Powder.

Mango Butter, however, is a great fit for the transition to Summer skin care. It’s lighter than shea while still providing the moisture that skin craves year-round. It has a lighter fragrance than shea, too.

Light Moisture

Many people do not believe that skin needs moisturizer during the Summer months. It’s true, you may sweat and feel greasy in the Summer time. Grease does not equal moisture! If you are spending any time in an air conditioned environment, the air around you is artificially dehumidified. While spending time in this environment is more pleasant, it also dries your skin. This can make fine lines and wrinkles become more visible, and can even cause skin to age prematurely.

The best way to combat this? Light moisture from Mango Butter! It is a more sheer moisture, and works well at this time of year. Don’t ever go without moisturizer, it’s a big skin no-no.

Mango Butter Moisturizer Recipe

You can use Mango Butter by itself by taking a small amount between your hands and rubbing them together. It will melt within seconds, so you can then spread the natural goodness all over your skin. If you prefer to make a moisturizer, we have the perfect Summer recipe for you.

Materials & Ingredients

  • 3/4 cup Mango Buttertransition to summer skin care
  • 1/4 cup Organic Apricot Oil
  • 2 tsp Vitamin E Oil
  • 30-40 drops Lavender Essential Oil – Optional


  1. Using a double boiler on low-medium heat, melt your Mango Butter.
  2. Remove from heat, and let sit for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Add in your Apricot Oil, Vitamin E, and Lavender if desired.
  4. Using a hand mixer or stand mixer, mix for several minutes until it fully blends.
  5. Put your mixture in the fridge over night, or in the freezer for two hours.
  6. Take your moisturizer out and leave it in room temperature for a few hours.
  7. Use a mixer one final time for about five minutes, until it whips up nicely.
  8. Keep your moisturizer in a sealed container, and use a small amount every day as needed.

It doesn’t have to be a hassle when you transition to Summer skin care. When you know your skin butters, it’s easy to see why Mango Butter is the right choice for your new skin care routine. Now you can have a happier Summer knowing how to take care of that beautiful skin of yours <3

12 responses to “Transition to Summer Skin Care

  1. I can`t wear moisturizer because it makes moisture pop out in bubbles on my face…can you explain this? do you have any suggestions that i can do?

    1. Yes ma’am, it is! However it will start melting at about 85F, so make sure it’s kept in a sealed container and store it in the coolest area of your house away from direct sun. This melting will not ruin the product, you just need to be aware of it so you don’t accidentally spill some on your clothes or other areas – a melted spill of melted butter is not fun to clean up.

  2. Hi can you suggest a replacement for apricot oil and lavender oil?
    Can it be used as a night cream? Pomogranate, jojoba carrier oil and rose, frankincense, orange, geranium essential oils? Out of these which oils can be used for Indian summers?

    1. I would choose Jojoba Oil with a few drops of Frankincense essential oil. You can use it as a daily moisturizer twice a day – before bed and when you get up. It will dry up fast so if your skin is dry because of the summer weather, you can use it one more time in the middle of the day.

  3. Hi
    I live in tropical area. I ve tro combination skin. Can i use shea butter.
    My sealed shea butter is laying in a dark shelf for an year. Is ot ok to use it now.

    1. Shea Butter is a natural moisturizer and is non-comedogenic so, though it is thicker and rich, it does not clog pores. You will find Shea Butter is commonly used in body butters, good for treating dry skin in the cold or hot weathers. It is also used in some homemade sun screens, ani-itch creams and lip balms, all useful in summer and winter. For more information please see product info:

  4. I’m sorry my earlier question was not put in right when making recipes do you have to go by the 100% rule of ingredients in your formulation? And if so how do you do it and could you show me or send me a website

    1. Yes, it’s best to use the percentage calculations. We have plenty of recipes on our YouTube channel!

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