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Mini Massage Melts

Mini Massage Melts

These Mini Massage Melts provide single-serving portions of stimulating aroma and skin-nourishing oils to make your next massage utterly unforgettable.

Mini Massage Melts

The healing power of touch is something that anyone who has experienced a great massage can attest to. The warm, slow pressure of massage can help encourage relaxation, blood flow, and an overall sense of well being that is pretty hard to beat.

When shared between loved ones, massage can be a powerful tool for building intimacy, trust, and feelings of mutual affection. Treating someone you care for to the gift of massage can be a wonderful act of kindness, and an enjoyable experience for you both.

Luckily, you don’t have to be an expert masseuse in order to give someone you love a really great back rub or a quick foot massage. Just grab a mini massage melt and get practicing with someone you love. While it might take some time to perfect your technique, it promises to be an enjoyable learning curve.

These lovely little Mini Massage Melts are perfect for massage practice as well as holiday gifting. Wrap these melts in festive packaging such as cello bags, mason jars, or re-usable tubs and they will make excellent gifts or stocking stuffers.

Mini Massage Melts

We used a blend of light and penetrating Apricot Oil and rich, moisturizing Jojoba as base for these Mini Massage Melts. Mango Butter and a pinch of natural Beeswax provide a semi-solid texture which will melt readily upon skin contact. Depending on your climate, you may find these melts to be a little too soft. If you live in a warm climate, we suggest doubling the amount of Beeswax called for in the recipe below.

Mini Massage Melts

We chose a warm and stimulating blend of citrus and spice essential oils to scent these melts. Feel free to customize this recipe to suit your own preferences or aromatherapy needs. Try using chamomile for a more relaxing massage, or peppermint for something cooling and refreshing.

The adzuki beans you see in this recipe were added to give some of the melts a little bit of extra color and interest. They also add a pleasant texture to the massage bars as they are being used. The beans are totally optional and may be omitted if you prefer.

Mini Massage Melts

Mini Massage Melts Recipe

Makes about 18 0.5-ounce melts


  • 2 ounces Mango Butter
  • ½ ounce Apricot Oil
  • ½ ounce Jojoba Oil
  • 2 teaspoons (0.25 ounce) Beeswax
  • 24 drops mandarin essential oil
  • 12 drops frankincense essential oil
  • 12 drops ginger essential oil
  • Dried adzuki beans (optional)


  1. Melt the Mango Butter and Beeswax in a double boiler or in the microwave using short 30-second bursts.
  2. Mix the melted Mango Butter with the Apricot Oil and Jojoba Oil in a small heat-proof container.
  3. Add the essential oils and mix well.
  4. If using, add 1 teaspoon adzuki beans to each cavity in 1-ounce silicone mold or ice cube tray.
  5. Carefully pour the hot liquid into 1-ounce silicone molds or ice cube trays.
  6. Allow the melts to cool and harden completely before handling or packaging them.

To Use

Simply rub one Mini Massage Melt between your hands or onto the skin that is being massaged. The product will melt quickly, providing a generous portion of massage oil.

6 responses to “Mini Massage Melts

  1. hello, i am from brazil, and i like this site.

    I have questions.

    What is frankincense essential oil? This have the cientific name?

    Another question:

    When i can buy ours produtcts in Brazil?

    thank you!

    1. Hello Mariana! We have our products available on Etsy, just search BetterSheaButter there 🙂 Frankincense is a powerful essential oil, there are many available on Amazon to choose from. Have a wonderful day!

    1. The best way to store them is in a glass container with lid and in the fridge. Shelf life of the cubes can be 6 months if stored away from direct sunlight.

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