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5 Reasons To Apply Shea Butter On Hair

If you are looking for a natural hair conditioner, then Shea butter is the perfect option. ‘Mother Natures’ conditioner”, shea butter offers exceptional moisturizing properties that are ideal for keeping hair in great shape. Shea butter has been used for a whole range of therapeutic applications for decades.  Applying Shea butter on hair is one of many popular uses. Here are five great reasons why:

1. Hair sealant

There’s a tendency for curly or wavy hair to be a lot drier than straight hair because of the texture. Sebum is the scalps’ natural moisturizer. It has more difficultly sliding down the hair shaft because of the coils and bends in the hair. Shea butter is often included in curly hair treatments because it can help to lock-in moisture, without causing your hair to become heavy and greasy. This effective ‘sealant’ therefore protects your hair from environmental extremes, such as wind and sun damage.

2. Stop scalp irritation

Shea butter is an excellent treatment for a dry and itchy scalps or dandruff. Its anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce redness and irritation. Shea butter is easily absorbed by the skin, and won’t clog the pores. Not only will it help to keep the scalp in better condition, it will also provide additional moisture to the hair shafts. This makes it great for damaged, dry, or even color treated hair.

3. Offers protection from heat

If you frequently use a hair dryer, you’ll probably find that your hair becomes dry and brittle easily. By applying Shea butter on hair it is readily absorbed into the shaft. In addition, it does so without weighing down your hair or leaving it feeling greasy. The Shea butter coats the shaft and keeps it protected from heat damage.

4. Reduce UV damage

Our hair is easily damaged by the sun’s UV rays. This can leave your hair looking dull and feeling dry. Shea butter has a low, but an effective sun protection factor (SPF). This is beneficial for all hair types, especially for those individuals with color treated hair.

5. Hair softener

Applying Shea butter on hair is great if you suffer from brittle hair. The moisturizing benefits helps to prevent breakage and split ends, keeping your hair healthy.

Better Shea Butter has an excellent recipe for using Shea butter to improve hair condition. You can use our recipe to rejuvenate and protect your hair. We recommend adding the prepared Shea butter to your favorite conditioner and massaging onto clean, wet hair. Leave it overnight and rinse off in the morning. You’ll be able to naturally keep your hair in great condition using Shea butter.

24 responses to “5 Reasons To Apply Shea Butter On Hair

  1. Hi shea butter lady,
    I’m totally agree with you that shea butter is really good for hair. Do you know that in some places in Africa people use shea butter as a food supplement. It’s quite amazing to have a product like this which has so many features to offer.

    1. Thanks Justin for stopping by and you are right, Shea Butter is a great gift of nature 🙂

      1. This is my very first time using shea butter leaving it in over night and my hair damaged from bleaching, and omg this is my very 1st time and actually I can say that my hair feels great…..

  2. Thanks for the post, ” 5 Reasons To Apply Shea Butter On Hair”.
    My hair tends to be on occasion dry and brittle between relaxers.
    I will definitely start to use my amazing Shea Butter on my hair as a conditioner and
    moisturizer . I look forward to all the brand new recipes that are coming our way soon.

    One Satisfied Customer,
    Tonette JL

  3. Question when using shea butter, can I leave the product in my hair? The reason why I ask the question, is because I’ve read in several other website. That shea butter can only either be left on for 10 minutes or overnight, but must be rinse out by morning. My thing is if I follow those instructions, the website never suggest what I can use & leave in my hair.

    1. You can absolutely keep the shea butter in your hair until next time you wash it, it’s a simple ingredient and it will nourish your hair and prevent it from getting dry and frizzy. It’s just like applying a lotion to your skin, you don’t need to rinse it.

      That said, since shea butter is very rich and greasy, if you have fine hair and just need to help it from getting too dry, I do recommend you rinse it off or it will weight your hair down. If you have thick hair, I would keep it on, just start by using very little at a time to see what works for your hair. I hope this helps 🙂

  4. Hi i use a little shae butter in my hair and on the ends nearly every day and i am sure it stops split ends and deginatly, stops breakage.I also massage a small amount of castor oil with peppermint and rosemary into my scalp concentrating on two very short patches. I dont want to get it trimmed as i have had bad experiences.It seems to be fine and its over a year that i had it cut.I have read that doing this is a great substitute to trimming. What do you think ?I have a fear of hair dressers as last year she cut off too much! I have African / English hair and id rather just do all the things i have said than trimming.I dont dye or do anything chemical to my hair.

    1. You are so lucky to have thick, African hair! When you hair is that curly, a minor trim can seem like a lot, but I do believe that it is best to trim the dead or thin ends of your hair at least once a year. Just specify that you do not want more than 1 inch trimmed, and have them show you how much the first trim cut is to verify they did it right. Otherwise what you are doing with the shea butter and other oils sounds perfect 🙂

  5. I have a few questions. I’m trying to make my own whipped shea butter for hair and hopefully sell it in the future as shea butter is not widely known in my country and I’ve been struggling on some areas

    1. How do I reduce the feeling of heaviness in hair when applying the shea butter. Any specific ingredients?
    2. What’s the proper way to apply whipped shea butter for hair? (Aiming for everyday use)
    3. What ingredients do I have to use to make the shea butter feel like an everyday hair oil? Is it even possible?
    4. Can I use the same ingredients to be used for both hair and face?

    1. 1. You just use a small amount, melt it in your hands first, then apply it to your hair from the ends going up toward the roots.
      2. See #1
      3. If you are referring to everyday oil that is sold in stores, you can only do that by formulating with water and other synthetic ingredients. If you want to go 100% natural, you just play with the amount you apply and how to apply it.
      4. Yup!

    1. Yes we have a lot of them! Go to the Videos tab on our website and look through those, everything that says “body butter” is a homemade moisturizer.

  6. If I just put shea butter on my dry hair at the root will it be alright and not clog or gum up my hair I have been using shea butter for years but not on my hair iam getting older and seem like my hair is thinning will this help my hair from thinning out

    1. Shea Butter is too thick to apply to the roots of the hair, especially if your hair is on the thin side. I don’t believe shea butter helps hair from thinning out since this is caused by hormones shifts as we get older.

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