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Shea Butter for Eczema

My Shea Butter For Eczema Treatment – Margaret L.

“I first started to suffer eczema as a child and it progressively got worse, especially during adolescence. My skin in the affected areas was always dry and cracked; it itched constantly and was especially bad at night. Sometimes I would get skin infections and it would get even more painful. Although uncomfortable, the worst part was not being able to wear certain clothes because I felt like I needed to cover-up all the time. Eczema is an ugly condition and during summer it was particularly hard because I couldn’t wear short-sleeves, skirts or anything else that showed my skin.

Over the years I tried many different topical treatments to minimize the condition. Most doctors prescribe coricosteroid-based creams. They help to reduce the inflammation, minimizing itching and soreness. If they’re applied frequently, they do help the skin heal and offer some relief.

However, I find using cortisone a little perplexing. One of the triggers for an eczema breakout is toxin exposure. What we eat, the chemicals in our environment, and the medications we use all affect our skin. I was desperate to find a natural alternative that would alleviate my eczema without causing any unwanted side effects.

Is Shea Butter Really Good For Eczema?

I had heard about Shea butter for eczema and seen it in beauty shops, but I really wanted something natural and without chemicals. After doing some research, I came across Better Shea Butter on I read all the customer reviews and liked the feedback. So I decided to purchase the Ivory version as this is slightly softer than the yellow Shea butter.

I wasn’t too sure what to do with the Shea butter when it arrived, but Better Shea Butter actually provided a recipe book full of great ways to use the product – I had no idea how versatile Shea butter is! I followed the homemade eczema cream with shea butter recipe and made my own cream. It was a surprisingly simple process and since you can add essential oils the final product smells really great.

I’ve been regularly applying my Shea butter for eczema and it’s amazing the difference it makes. My skin feels much softer and it’s no longer dry. I find that it’s probably better as a preventative cream, rather than a treatment. I apply the cream every day and it does help to prevent outbreaks. If a rash starts to develop, I can quickly get it under control with the Shea butter. Although, I do still keep my cortisone cream on-hand in case I get a big flare-up. However, that hardly happens anymore, so I really think that Shea butter does a wonderful job.

If you’re like me

…and eczema is a problem, I would highly recommend trying Shea butter. Don’t buy products from beauty stores as they are highly processed and full of chemicals. They just don’t offer the level of relief that raw Shea butter provides. The Better Shea Butter brand has been fabulous and it’s clearly great quality. I hope my feedback is helpful for others in the same situation.”

10 responses to “My Shea Butter For Eczema Treatment – Margaret L.

  1. My teenage daughter can identify with your eczema suffering. My daughter is experiencing the same thing. Her eczema peaks in the summer and is more manageable in the fall/winter. She won’t even swim in the summer because the chlorine irritates her skin and she is usually inflamed. She gets very itchy at night , we have tried homeopathy(no luck) now back to steroids. She is so picky about lotion, in fact she will not use any. I have been using Kuki oil, pure cocoanut oil, mix with Aquaphore head to toe. Because she needs so much lotion, and so often, I want to try something that is natural. Can you recommend a recipe mix that you have used to help sooth the itching ? Thanks.

    1. Thank you for writing and sorry about your daughter’s skin problem. Many customers have used Unrefined Shea Butter alone successfully and I suggest you start with that. Sometimes simple is best.

      You could also try this recipe: 4 oz Unrefined Shea Butter + 2 TBS Wheat Germ Oil (or Jojoba Oil for a gluten-free recipe) + 40 drops of Lavender Essential Oil. Gently melt the shea butter, add the other oils, mix well, let it cool off in the fridge for about 1 hour, then whip with an electric mixer on high for a few minutes. Whipping the mix will give you a lighter body butter.

      Use twice a day and when the irritation and itching is worse. Good luck and write back again any time!

    1. Yes, eczema can be helped immensely with unrefined shea butter. If you apply it to your scalp, use very little at first and rub it in, too much will make your hair too heavy/greasy.

        1. Hi Veronica, the top layer of your skin replaces itself every 28 days or so, so if you are consistent in applying shea butter and also use SPF if you go out in the sun, you should start to see results after that time. It does take consistency and discipline to handle skin discoloration, but in my experience you can absolutely improve it – you just need to stick to a system and don’t forget to use a lotion with SPF when in the sun!

  2. Hello I have eczema too. I am Asian of Pakistani origin. I have this problem since birth but nothing has proved to improve my condition and eczema has darkened my skin complexion very badly. Do u recommend this butter and is it available in Karachi, Pakistan ? Amd should I recommend a dermatologist first before using this ? Thank you.

    1. Hi Maliha,
      We do not currently ship to Pakistan, sorry about that. I believe that unrefined shea butter will help with eczema, but of course you should check with a doctor first because we cannot give medical advice, only testimonials from customers and their results. If you look for shea butter in your area make sure it specifies that it’s “unrefined”.

    2. HI maliha, you won’t be able to find shea butter in Karachi unless you go to high end shops. However you can try Sal butter which comes from India and easy to find in Pakistan as well. It is not as good as shea butter but will help. I have tried it personally.

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