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How to Make Homemade Lip Balm in 7 Easy Steps

Featured Customer Recipe #1: How To Make Lip Balm

This is our first installment of our Featured Customer Recipe series. Helen Gaither of Bella Enchanted submitted this easy, all natural how to make lip balm recipe. Try it!

Hi there,

Today I’m going to show you how to make lip balm – your very own!

Wait…what??  You didn’t realize you could make your own lip balm…in the comfort of your own kitchen?

Well, my friendsit is possible!  Now go look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I’m strong, I’m adventurous, and I can make lip balm!”  Try it, seriously.  It’s very empowering.

Let’s do this!

DIY Lip Balm Ingredients

.40 oz Organic Beeswax (use more or less, depending on how hard or soft you want your lip balm)

.30 oz Organic Unrefined Cocoa Butter (provides a protective barrier to help keep lips moist)

.20 oz Organic Unrefined Mango Butter (provides natural SPF for those who love the sun)

.15 oz Organic Unrefined Shea Butter (provides natural SPF plus awesome antioxidants that keep your lips in top shape)

.15 oz Organic Virgin Coconut Oil (helps moisturize lips)

.20 oz Organic Calendula Oil (provides healing benefits for dry, chapped lips)

.20 oz Pure Castor Oil (adds a nice shine and makes your balm more glossy-like)

.40 oz Pure Sweet Almond Oil (also helps to moisturize lips)

½ tsp Pure Vitamin E Oil (maintains soft and smooth lips)


Now don’t get all panicked about all the ingredients.  I know it looks like an overwhelming list but you can get most (if not all of this) online or at your local health food store.

See that huge container of Organic Virgin Coconut Oil? Bought it at Costco! And the Organic Unrefined Shea Butter in the clear plastic bag in front? Bought it online through Better Shea Butter! You really can find excellent quality products without having to roam all over town.

Step 1: Create a double boiler with a heavy pot filled with about 1-2 inches of water and placing a glass bowl over the pot (make sure to have a good seal between the bowl and the pot so no water gets into your bowl). Or you can do what I do and just use a glass measuring cup and have it sit on top of a large canning lid so it’s not sitting directly in the water.

how-to-make-Lip-Balm-2-meltingPlace your beeswax, coconut oil, shea butter, mango butter and cocoa butter in the glass bowl over VERY LOW heat. If the heat is too high, the butters tend to get gritty (resulting in gritty lip balm…eeww!) Stir it occasionally so it doesn’t feel ignored and it will melt quicker for you. You can even sing it love songs. It’s up to you. I won’t judge.

While all that’s melting, take a minute to get your lip balm tubes, jars and/or tins organized and ready. Can you tell I’m a total type-A personality?

Here’s what I like to do with my tubes to make them much easier to pour into:

how-to-makeLip-Balm-3-tubesBrilliant, right? Don’t go wasting money on those lip balm pourer thingies, when all you really need is a rubber band and a sense of adventure.

Step 2: When the contents of your bowl are about 95% melted, go ahead and add your calendula oil, castor oil and sweet almond oil. Mix everything together and remove from heat. Continue to stir until the beeswax and the butters are all fully melted.

Step 3: Now introduce your Vitamin E Oil to the gang. “Lip Balm Base, meet Vitamin E. Vitamin E, meet Lip Balm Base. You’re all going to live together happily ever after.” Sorry, I might have watched too many Disney movies in the last month.

Step 4 (optional): If you’re going to be adding coloring and/or flavor oil to your lip balm, let the ingredients cool slightly and then add the coloring and/or flavor oil. Mix thoroughly to make sure it all gets incorporated well.
Typically, for flavor oil, you want to add anywhere from 1-3% to your base, depending on how mild or strong you want the flavor. For this tutorial, I was making bacon-flavored lip balm. Oh yes, people, it exists. And it’s glorious! I went with a 3% addition because I like my bacon bold and tasty.

Here’s a little tip: Start off with adding only 1% and go from there. Test the flavor of your balm by sticking a frozen spoon into your base and then rub some on your lips. If it’s strong enough, you’re done. If you want more flavor, add more until you’re happy with the results.

Step 5: Working quickly but calmly, pour your lip balm ingredients into your tubes, jars or tins. Be sure not to overfill your tubes but, at the same time, be sure you’re filling them to where the screwy-thingie in the middle is covered or your tube won’t roll up properly when being used.

how-to-make-Lip-Balm-5 finishedLet cool for at least 1-2 hours and then you can put the caps or tops on.

Step 7: Pat yourself on the back because you just mastered how to make lip balm!! Don’t be surprised if you get the sudden urge to run outdoors and sing at the top of your lungs, “The hills are alive with the sound of music….”

This recipe makes about six (.15 oz) tubes of lip balm and two (.25 oz) jars of lip balm.

4 responses to “How to Make Homemade Lip Balm in 7 Easy Steps

    1. I have pure 100% shae butter and the taste us so strong after making the do you deal w that? I’ve tried several ways and it’s toned down but still over that what the beeswax does? I have been trying not to use beeswax
      Please help..flavors are not helping

      1. The only way to cut down on smelling the nutty shea is to only use small portions in your recipe, and add coconut oil or other oils and little beeswax. Refined shea butter exists and the nutty scent is removed (usually with a synthetic solvent), but it won’t have the same nutrients as the unrefined.

  1. I’m making my own lip balms and did not realise the beeswax and unrefined Shea butter scents were so strong! I feel like no one really mentions this (I understand why, they’re natural products) but I thought I’d done lots of research and would have read about this in at least one blog! I really don’t want to have to result to refined Shea butter and (refined beeswax is that a thing?) I don’t know which scent stands out more in my balms but it’s not the nicest of smells that you’d want on your lips in the daytime! Just wondering if anyone’s found a solution? I put what I thought was quite a lot of strawberry essential oil flavouring in but it’s honestly done nothing.. thank you!

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