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shea butter for eczema

Shea Butter for Eczema

Eczema is a medical skin condition which causes dry patches of skin. This often leads to irritation, flaking, and even bleeding on those patched areas.  It can affect infants, babies and adults alike. It can also get worse in the winter months, when the weather is extremely cold and dry. Is Shea Butter for Eczema your best option?

Over-the-counter steroids like hydrocortisone creams and ointments can help lessen the redness and inflammation caused by eczema, however these creams can lead to thinned skin and other issues if applied for too many days to the same part of the body.
Raw, unrefined, organic Shea Butter is becoming more and more popular as a natural solution to combat Eczema and extremely dry skin because it is a skin super food, rich in Vitamins A, E and F and loaded with antioxidants that your skin will love. Here is what one of our thousands of satisfied customers has to say about her experience with Unrefined Shea Butter.
While Shea Butter alone has amazing moisturizing properties, we suggest mixing it with Wheat Germ Oil for its anti-inflammatory properties and with some Lavender Oil, which was it was reportedly used by Mary to anoint Jesus – isn’t that amazing?
Here’s how to create your simple, 3-ingredients, homemade Eczema Cream:
How to
  • Slowly melt the Shea Butter.
  • Remove from the heat and add the Wheat Germ Oil (or Jojoba Oil), Lavender Oil and mix well.
  • Let it cool off for 10 minutes.
  • Cover loosely with paper or a lid and place in the refrigerator for 45 minutes.
  • Take out of the fridge and whip the mixture with an electric mixer for about 5 minutes.

Now you have your own homemade, natural, and chemical free Eczema cream. A little goes a long way, and you can lather this cream externally anywhere you are noticing dry, flaky patches of skin. Even if you do not have eczema, this cream can be a helpful tool in aiding your extremely dry skin, especially in the Winter months.

PLACE AN ORDER NOW – Shea Butter for Eczema

At Better Shea Butter, we take pride in helping our clients resolve skin problems such as eczema with natural skin care that contains no mystery ingredients. Go ahead and place an order now for our all-natural, unrefined shea butter. Your skin will thank you!

Happy Shea Buttering!

6 responses to “Shea Butter for Eczema

  1. Hi,
    My 8 yr old daughter has very bad eczema and recently we had back to back skin infection – impetigo. She has sever food and environmental allergies (dairy and all tree nuts including coconut, dust mites and ragweed ). So , I tried to follow your recipe (used JoJoba carrier oil) and used it . But my daughter complains that the cream itches her a lot. Do you have any suggestion on how to alter things to her needs.
    We have seen that eczema gets better and flares up again…we are in sort of a vicious circle and trying to get out.

    1. Hi Shruthi, this really calls for a doctor’s advice, we have reviews and feedback from customers saying that unrefined shea butter got rid of their eczema, but each case is different – some can have a little eczema on their hands during winter, others may have a more severe case year long. and each will need a different approach. Instead of a recipe with several ingredients, have you tried pure shea butter?

    2. I took gluten out of my daughters diet and she never got it again
      Rice noodles instead of pasta
      Cauliflower crust pizza instead of wheat dough
      Gluten free bread
      Gluten free teriyaki sauce
      Gluten free treats
      No wheat or wheat by-products
      Some say it’s the roundup pesticides they use on the wheat that causes the skin rashes and not the wheat but removing wheat worked for my child
      Hope this helps yours

  2. Castor oil and mango butter are great as well! Castor oil is thicker in consistency almost sticky feeling but it is a great skin barrier. I used to apply it to bad scapes and scabs to help the healing process go quicker and keep it moisturized.

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