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Does Applying Shea Butter For Stretch Marks Actually Work?

Shea Butter For Stretch Marks

Does Applying Shea Butter for Stretch Marks Actually Work?

Stretch marks are caused and created by the tearing of the skin dermis. They are most commonly associated with pregnancy when rapid weight gain causes the skin to stretch quickly. However, stretch marks can also occur in response to a rapid growth, such as during puberty. Although they look like long, thin bruises to start with, over time they do fade and resemble whiteish lines. They can also be red-ish lines. The whiter lines are typically flat and the reddish ones are typically raised. No stretch marks look exactly the same- with skin color playing a big part in the mix. Generally- they range from white to red to brown.

For many women, stretch marks can negatively impact self-esteem. Women will wear a one-piece bathing suit instead of a bikini which is the preferred option to hide these marks. Or long-sleeved pants and tops- depending on where the stretch marks occur.

It really is a shame because all bodies are so beautiful. But we understand that many women want to fix their stretch marks. There are medical procedures that can remove stretch marks. Some people opt to have laser surgery to remove stretch-marked skin. Tummy tucks are another option, along with microdermabrasion and endermologie. All these options are expensive and come with health risks. For this reason, finding a natural alternative is highly desirable.

Although it isn’t possible to completely remove stretch marks naturally, applying raw Shea butter can diminish their appearance and help to prevent their development. Shea butter is rich in vitamin A which helps to increase skin elasticity. If you regularly apply Shea butter across your tummy during pregnancy, it’s possible to reduce the formation of stretch marks. Vitamin A helps the skin to become more supple and better accommodate the increase in weight and stretching that occurs throughout pregnancy.

If you already have stretch marks, applying unrefined Shea butter two to three times a day can work to significantly reduce their appearance.

Benefits of Shea Butter

It’s very important that when you’re selecting Shea butter for stretch marks that you only use a premium Grade A product. 100% raw and unrefined.

At Better Shea Butter we use the highest quality products, so your skin will benefit from the richness of vitamin A and E to properly heal your skin. Our products are so pure you won’t deal with the “nasties” that come in a lot of store-bought butters and lotions. With anti-inflammatory properties, our Shea butter can help to minimize the redness associated with newly formed stretch marks. The moisture and rejuvenating properties help to smooth the skin surface and make it look and feel youthful again.

Testimonials On Our Shea Butter For Stretch Marks

“My skin has always been soft but it seems to have gotten even softer and smoother since I started using this shea butter. I see a reduction of scars and stretch marks, which is always good.” – 5 star Amazon review

“…The Shea has lightened my stretch marks. Overall this product is a must-have in my home. I will be a life long customer.” – J. Farrier 5 star review

“Excellent quality! I melted this down and added my choice of essential oils, went through my entire pregnancy with smooth skin and stretch mark free!” – Mrs. James 5 star review

“The shea butter alone was perfect. Not a single stretch mark throughout my entire pregnancy and now I am postpartum. Love the smell and love the product.” – Sheryl 5 star review

So Does Shea Butter Work For Stretch Marks? Final Thoughts

Using Shea butter for stretch marks is a great natural option that’s affordable and very effective. We have excellent recipes using Shea butter to create your own treatment. Using a combination of other natural healing ingredients, you can effectively enhance your skin and reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

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Buy Unrefined Shea Butter here!

Read our in-depth article on Shea Butter
Also read about another option: Cocoa Butter for stretch marks