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Fall Skin Care

Fall Skin Care

Fall is here, and it is important to keep up your skin care routine so that your skin does not dry out during the colder months.  If you normally use shea butter once or twice every day, it may be time to update your routine and switch to three or four times.  Fall skin care is just as important as Summer skin care!  You have a higher risk of cracked elbows and heels, and just as much of a risk for sun burns.  Faces can become more dry and need moisture throughout the day during the fall and winter months.  You may want to stock up on two pounds of our unrefined shea butter, so that you don’t run out!  Whipped shea butter can be put in a little container so that you have it with you on the go. Do not forget to keep up with your Fall skin care routine, and stay moisturized and sun-blocked! You can find recipes for shea butter products as well as sun blocks on our Pinterest account. Follow us!