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Better Shea Butter is on!

Better Shea butter is on

We love Raw, Organic and Natural things – so OF COURSE we follow the amazing Rawmazing. They have 29K likes on Facebook and growing, and who knows how many site visitors. Did you know Better Shea Butter is on

We were super stoked when we found out that their Homemade Body Butter Recipe recommends our wonderful Ivory Shea Butter. For the record, we did not send them any free sample, nor did we offer financial compensation for being featured. It just happened, and we could not be happier =D

Naturally, we tried their recipe right away and we L-O-V-E-D it: adding fresh rosemary and sweet orange essential oil is genius and a fitting aroma for the winter days.  We hope you love this recipe and our shea butter as much as we do.

We LOVE being in so many online blogs in the DIY community. If you feature us, please let us know! We would love to share the news on our social media outlets. If you would like to feature our product but have not tried it, send us a message. We will get back to you ASAP!

Until next time, have a great day and happy shea buttering.


Isabella & the Better Shea Butter gang